All Inclusive Playground!

All Inclusive Playground!

An all-inclusive playground is a transformative space that invites children of all abilities to play together, promoting inclusion, social interaction, and physical development. Designed with accessible features such as wheelchair-friendly ramps, sensory-rich...


Sign up for our NewLetter!   We invite you to join our Treehouse Therapies family by signing up for our quarterly newsletter! Staying informed about the compassionate initiatives and events we offer is essential for fostering a vibrant community that supports our...
Check Out What Our Therapists Are Learning!

Check Out What Our Therapists Are Learning!

We are very excited to bring the “Integration of Equine Movement for Healthcare Professionals” course to Treehouse Therapies!  This course will be offered in three parts as follows: Part 1: August This is a virtual at-your-own-pace portion of the...