What families Are Saying

“Treehouse Therapies and the effect they have had on our family is not something that can easily be described in a few sentences…. We cannot thank them enough for the work they provide our family both in the clinical setting and through the guidance and support that they have offered us as parents as we have had to navigate the complex medical and financial world when dealing with our daughter’s continued health concerns.  We will be forever grateful for the positive changes they have made and continue to make for our family and families like ours in Central Oregon.”

“It’s a bit challenging to articulate exactly how appreciative I am for all of the services and support that are offered through Treehouse Therapies, and the ability to receive such comprehensive and individualized care. The team of therapists, they know my daughter…really know her! …The therapists talk to one another and know how she is doing, if she’s feeling well or under the weather, or if she’s had something going on. Our family has been so blessed because not only have we had the honor of working with some amazing people, we have been the recipients of scholarships for therapy that have not been covered by insurance.  Without these scholarships our daughter would have lost valuable time and progress…..The work that is happening at Treehouse makes a difference for our family and so many other Central Oregon Families.”

“Treehouse Therapies has come a long way from the initial concept with a lot of hard work, thankless hours, and support from people and organizations that believe that investing in children from a holistic perspective is important. It’s not about treating a symptom or one specific ailment, the people at Treehouse know that it is about treating the whole person, using multiple modalities that will ultimately heal the person, and also make the family stronger. It’s about giving people what they need to be successful physically and emotionally. We fully support all of the work that is happening at Treehouse because it makes a difference for our family and so many other Central Oregon families- I hope that you will help support the incredible work that is happening with this organization and be a part of the positive change in our community.”

“The family at Treehouse is incredible. They go above and beyond to make sure that every family, every child, every need is met with the utmost care. This is a truly special place! Both of my kiddos have been seen with multiple services and providers at different times for different needs. Every time I am blown away with the level or care and education we receive.”
“Treehouse Therapies is an amazing place for kids in need of therapy. My son started working with Christen when he was three, she was able to find fun activities that made his physical therapy interesting and not so much like the work it actually was.”